How do I activate NVMe support in Pure Storage SRAs
To use NVMe datastores with Pure Storage SRAs, you must reconfigure the storage
replication adapter.
- Log in to theSite Recovery Manager ApplianceManagement Interface on the protected site as admin.
- Click theStorage Replication Adapterstab.
- Select the appropriate Storage Replication Adapter card, click the drop-down menu (
), and click
Download Configuration Archive.The configuration files are distributed as.tar.gzarchives. - Navigate to the directory where you saved the SRA configuration archive file and open it.
- Change the NVMe support option totrueand save the file.<NvmeSupport>true</NvmeSupport>
- Log in to theSite Recovery Manager ApplianceManagement Interface on the protected site as admin.
- Click theStorage Replication Adapterstab.
- Select the appropriate Storage Replication Adapter card, click the drop-down menu (
), and click
Upload Configuration Archive. - Navigate to the directory where you saved the SRA configuration archive file, select it and clickOpen.
- Repeat Step 1 through Step 9 on the recovery site.
- In thevSphere Clienton the protected site, click .
- On theSite Recoveryhome tab, select a site pair, and clickView Details.
- On the Site Pair tab, click.
- Select the array pair and clickto rescan the arrays.
- Repeat Step 11 through Step 14 on the recovery site.