
Retrieves an XML representation of the specified historical run of the referenced recovery plan. This XML document is transmitted in chunks limited by the maximum length of a string in the transport layer. You specify what line to start at and how many lines to return.


String[] retrieveStatus(long key, int offset, int maxLines)
is the unique key for the plan history, returned in RecoveryResult.runKey from getGetRecoveryResult.
is an integer specifying the starting line number in the XML file, beginning at 0,
is an integer specifying the maximum number of lines to retrieve.
Returns a string containing an XML representation of all recovery steps and their results.
Only after you have retrieved all the lines and assembled them do you have a valid XML document.


  • RecoveryResultNotFound, if no result with that key exists.
  • RuntimeFault
  • vmomi.fault.InvalidArgument
For information about the faults that
Site Recovery Manager
throws, see Faults in Site Recovery Manager API.
Example for RetrieveStatus
List < String > status = srmPortType.retrieveStatus( ManagedObjectReference _this, long key, int offset, int maxLines); Where ManagedObjectReference _this = _historyRef; where _historyRef can be taken from: SrmServiceInstanceContent content = _srmPortType.retrieveContent(_svcRef); ManagedObjectReference _recoveryRef = content.getRecovery(); List < ManagedObjectReference > plans = srmPortType.listPlans( _recoveryRef); ManagedObjectReference _historyRef = srmPortType.getHistory( _recoveryRef, plans.get(0));