Use a Properties File to Export
Site Recovery Manager
Configuration Data

You can use a properties file to simplify or automate the export of
Site Recovery Manager
configuration data in an XML file.
  • Verify that you have Java 11.0.x or later installed on the
    Site Recovery Manager
    host virtual machine.
  • Verify that you have a site pair with
    Site Recovery Manager
    running on both the protected and the recovery site.
If you are using the
Site Recovery Manager
appliance, you can schedule a cron job to automate the export of configuration data.
  1. Log in to the
    Site Recovery Manager
    virtual appliance host virtual machine.
  2. Navigate to
    , and run the following command.
    java -jar import-export.jar --exportProperties=
    To make the XML file more readable, add the
    java -jar import-export.jar --exportProperties=