Generate and Download a Certificate Signing Request for the
Site Recovery Manager Appliance

You generate a certificate signing request (CSR) and a matching private key. The private key remains on the
Site Recovery Manager Appliance
A certificate signing request (CSR) is an encrypted text file that contains specific information, such as organization name, common name, locality, and country. You send the CSR file to a certificate authority (CA) to apply for a digital identity certificate.
Generating a new private key invalidates any existing CSR configuration.
  1. Log in to the
    Site Recovery Manager Appliance
    Management Interface as admin.
  2. Click the
  3. In the
    pane, click
    Generate CSR
  4. Enter text values for your organization and organization unit, typically your company name, and the name of your group in the company.
  5. Accept the default FQDN and IP values and click
    Generate and download
To submit a certificate request to the CA in accordance with the CA enrollment process, use the contents of the CSR file.
The CA creates a server certificate based on the information in the CSR file, signs it with its private key, and sends you the certificate, which you can then import to the
Site Recovery Manager Appliance