Unregister the
Site Recovery Manager

If you no longer require
Site Recovery Manager
, you must follow the correct procedure to cleanly unregister
Site Recovery Manager
Site Recovery Manager
, creating inventory mappings, protecting virtual machines by creating protection groups, and creating and running recovery plans makes significant changes on both
Site Recovery Manager
sites. Before you unregister
Site Recovery Manager
, you must remove all
Site Recovery Manager
configurations from both sites in the correct order. If you do not remove all configurations before unregistering
Site Recovery Manager
, some
Site Recovery Manager
components, such as placeholder virtual machines, might remain in your infrastructure.
If you use
Site Recovery Manager
vSphere Replication
, you can continue to use
vSphere Replication
after you unregister
Site Recovery Manager
  1. In the
    vSphere Client
    , click
    Site Recovery
    Open Site Recovery
  2. On the
    Site Recovery
    home tab, select a site pair, and click
    View Details
  3. Select the
    Recovery Plans
    tab, right-click on a recovery plan and select
    You cannot delete recovery plans that are running.
  4. Select the
    Protection Groups
    tab, click a protection group, and select the
    Virtual Machines
  5. Highlight all virtual machines, right-click, and select
    Remove Protection
    Removing protection from a virtual machine deletes the placeholder virtual machine from the recovery site. Repeat this operation for all protection groups.
  6. In the
    Protection Groups
    tab, right-click a protection group and select
    You cannot delete a protection group that is included in a recovery plan. You cannot delete
    vSphere Replication
    protection groups that contain virtual machines on which protection is still configured.
  7. Select
    Site Pair
    , and remove all inventory mappings.
    1. Click each of the
      Network Mappings
      Folder Mappings
      , and
      Resource Mappings
    2. In each tab, select a site, right-click a mapping, and select
  8. For both sites, click
    Placeholder Datastores
    , right-click the placeholder datastore, and select
  9. If you use array-based replication, select
    Array Based Replication
    Array Pairs
    , and remove all array pairs.
    1. Select an array pair, click
      Array Pair
      , and click
    2. Click
      Array Manager Pair
      and click
  10. Select
    Site Pair
    , and click
    Break Site Pair
    Breaking the site pairing removes all information related to registering
    Site Recovery Manager
    Site Recovery Manager
    vCenter Server
    on the remote site.
  11. Log in to the
    Site Recovery Manager Appliance
    Management Interface as admin.
  12. Click
    , and click
  13. Provide the required credentials, review the information, and click
    Unregistering the
    Site Recovery Manager Appliance
    deletes the embedded database. This process cannot be reversed.
  14. Repeat the procedure on the other site.