Update the
Recovery Manager Virtual Appliance
Recovery Manager Virtual Appliance
You use the
Recovery Manager
Appliance Management Interface to apply patches and
updates to the virtual appliance.
- If you are not updating the appliance from an online URL, download theSite Recovery ManagerISO image and mount it on a system in your environment.
- Perform a configuration export by using theVMware Site Recovery Manager 8.8 Configuration Import/Export Tool. See, Exporting and Importing Site Recovery Manager Configuration Data.
- In a web browser, go to theSite Recovery Manager ApplianceManagement Interface at https://appliance-IP-address-or-FQDN.
- ClickLaunch Site Recovery Manager Appliance Management.
- Log in to theSite Recovery ManagerAppliance Management Interface as admin.The default password is the admin user account password that you set during the deployment of theSite Recovery Manager Appliance.
- ClickUpdate.
- To configure your update settings, clickEdit.OptionDescriptionOnline repositoryTo use the repository, you must copy theupdatefolder from the ISO image to a web server and provide the URL of that folder.
- SelectUse repository.
- Enter the repository URL, user name (optional), and password (optional).
Downloadable ISO fileSelectUse CD-ROM. - ClickOK.
- In theAvailable updatespane, clickInstall.
- Accept the end-user license agreement, and clickInstall.After the update is complete, the appliance restarts.
- Refresh the browser window to reload theSite Recovery ManagerAppliance Management Interface.
- Log in to theSite Recovery ManagerAppliance Management Interface as admin.
- ClickReconfigure.
- Follow the prompts, provide the required information, and clickFinish.