LoadBalancer CRDs to Handle Ingress Scaling
You can create CRDs (CustomResourceDefinitions) to monitor the usage of NSX load
balancers and to create additional NSX layer 7 load balancers to handle Ingress workloads
that the default load balancer cannot handle. These CRDs are not for scaling layer 4 load
balancers that are created for Kubernetes LoadBalancer services.
If you have a shared tier-1 topology, you
must configure
under [nsx_v3]
the nsx-ncp-config
ConfigMap to use this feature.The CRDs are:
- NSXLoadBalancerMonitor- This CRD is used to report usage statistics of the NSX load balancers. In Policy mode, this CRD will only monitor namespace load balancers created using the LoadBalancer CRD.
- LoadBalancer- This CRD is used to create new NSX load balancers. The definition of this resource is in the NCP YAML file. In Policy mode and TKGI deployments, this is a namespace resource. In Manager mode deployments, this is a clusterwide resource.
The procedure to enable this feature is the
same for Manager mode and Policy mode.
Perform the following steps to enable this
- Set theenable_lb_crdoption in the[k8s]section toTrue.
- Apply the NCP YAML file with the following command:kubectl apply -f ncp-<platform>.yaml
To create a new NSX load balancer, apply a
YAML file that defines a LoadBalancer CRD. For
apiVersion: vmware.com/v1alpha1 kind: LoadBalancer metadata: name: cluster1-lbs0 spec: httpConfig: {} size: SMALL
This YAML file will create an NSX load
balancer of the specified size, and a pair of layer 7 virtual servers without
persistence, SSL or X-forward settings. The
parameter can be
, or
. The default value is SMALL
. After
the NSX load balancer is created, the size cannot be changed and any update to the
parameter will be ignored. The IP of the virtual server is
allocated from the configured default external pool for load balancers. The ports by
default are 80 and 443. Non-standard ports are supported if the custom port is included
in the HTTP HOST header. Note that custom ports are only supported in non-TLS Ingresses.
Also, the virtual servers created by the LoadBalancer CRD do not support the "enable
access log" parameter.To check the creation status of the
LoadBalancer CRD, run the following
kubectl get lb <name of the LoadBalancer> -o yaml
The result looks something like the
status: conditions: - status: "True" type: Ready httpVirtualIP: <realized virtual IP>
This result indicates that the creation was
successful. If the creation failed,
will be
and there will not be a virtual IP.You can also customize settings for the NSX
load balancer and virtual servers. To configure the IP and port for the virtual
spec: httpConfig: virtualIP: <ip address, default to auto-allocate> port: <port number, default to 80>
Note: You must not configure the same
virtualIP for different LoadBalancer CRDs.
To specify the session affinity and
spec: httpConfig: xForwardedFor: <INSERT or REPLACE, default to None> affinity: type: <source_ip or cookie, default to None> timeout: <timeout number, default to 10800>
To configure TLS
spec: httpConfig: tls: port: <tls port number, default to 443> secretName: <name of secret, default to None>
Note that even if you set the HTTP and HTTPS
ports to non-default values, the Ingress printer will always display the default port
values (80 and 443) when showing the Ingress status because of a Kubernetes limitation.
You should still use the configured ports to access Ingress. For
curl -I -HHost:tea.example.com http://$INGRESS_IP:$CRD_LB_HTTP_PORT/tea
You can create the secret before or after the
creation of LoadBalancer. To update the certificate, remove the
from the LoadBalancer spec first, update the data of
the secret, then re-attach the same secret using the above configuration. Creating a new
secret and updating the secretName
will also work. Note that
sharing the same secret data between different CRD load balancers is not supported. You
must configure CRD load balancers with different certificates.To view the status and statistics of NSX load
balancers, run the following command:
kubectl get lbm
This will list all the
NSXLoadBlancerMonitors, one for each NSX load balancer. The following information is
- Usage - The number of workloads on the NSX load balancer.
- Traffic - The aggregated statistics of each Virtual Server.
- Health - This field has two dimensions:
- servicePressureIndex- This indicates the performance of the load balancer. Two values are provided: score and severity.
- infraPressureIndex- This indicates the performance of the underlying infrastructure components. In NCP 2.5.1, this value is not always accurate.
- The fieldmetricsgives an idea of the parameters that are considered when the health score is calculated.
When the
of a load balancer is
, you can migrate the Ingress workload to other load
balancers, which must be the default load balancer or load balancers created using the
LoadBalancer CRD.To place an Ingress on a dedicated load
balancer, add an annotation to the Ingress specification. For
annotations: nsx/loadbalancer: <name of the LoadBalancer CRD>
If the annotation is missing or set to
, the Ingress is placed on the default NSX load