Configure VMware Time Provider for
A new time provider plugin
is provided for
Microsoft Windows native time synchronization service 'W32Time' running inside vSphere VMs.
The plugin interacts with precision clock virtual device to provide underlying ESXi host
time, as an alternative to NTP and Active Directory based time sources.Ensure to add a precision clock virtual
device to the VM before using the vmwTimeProvider plugin.
For information on how to add a
precision clock virtual device to a VM, see vSphere Virtual Machine
Administration document.
- Enable vmwTimeProvider plugin:To add this plugin, explicitly select theVMware Time Providercomponent in the VMware Tools installer setup during installation. This component is de-selected, by deafult.
- Disable vmwTimeProvider plugin:To remove this plugin, modify the installation and de-select theVMware Time Providercomponent in the VMware Tools installer.
You can check the status of the plugin
post installation by running the following w32time command:
w32tm /query /status