Manually Install VMware Tools on macOS

You can install or upgrade VMware Tools on a macOS virtual machine using an installer assistant.
  • Power on the virtual machine.
  • Verify that the guest operating system is running.
If you use VMware Fusion or ESXi on a computer with an Apple label, you can create Mac OS X Server (10.5 or later) virtual machines and install VMware Tools.
  1. Select the menu command to mount and open the VMware Tools virtual disc on the guest operating system.
    VMware Product
    Menu Command
    vSphere Client
    Right-click the virtual machine and select
    Guest OS
    Install VMware Tools...
    Guest OS
    Upgrade VMware Tools...
    and select
    Interactive Tools Installation
    Interactive Tools Upgrade
    Virtual Machine
    Install (or Upgrade) VMware Tools
  2. Open
    Install VMware Tools
    on the VMware Tools virtual disc, follow the prompts in the installer assistant, and click
The virtual machine restarts to have VMware Tools take effect.