Perl Example of Uploading a File from a URL to a Library Item

This example shows how to upload a file from a URL to a library item. The example is based on the code in the
sample file.
This example uses the steps that are described in the Upload a File from a URL to a Library Item procedure.
For a complete and up-to-date version of the sample code, see the vSphere Automation SDK Perl samples at GitHub.
... # 1 - Create a new library item to hold the uploaded file. my $item_model = new Com::Vmware::Content::Library::ItemModel(); $item_model->set_name('name' => 'ESXi patches'); $item_model->set_description('description' => 'ESXi security patches'); $item_model->set_type('type' => 'iso'); $item_model->set_library_id('library_id' => $my_library_id); my $idem_token = ContentLibrary::Helpers::ClsApiHelper::generate_uuid(); my $item_stub = $stubFactory->create_stub( 'service_name' => 'Com::Vmware::Content::Library::Item', 'stub_config' => $myStubConfig ); my $my_library_item_id = $item_stub->create('create_spec' => $item_model, 'client_token' => $idem_token); # 2 - Create an UpdateSessionModel instance to track your changes to the item. my $update_session_model = new Com::Vmware::Content::Library::Item::UpdateSessionModel(); $update_session_model->set_library_item_id('library_item_id' => $my_library_item_id); # 3 - Create an update session from the model. $idem_token = ContentLibrary::Helpers::ClsApiHelper::generate_uuid(); my $update_session_stub = $stubFactory->create_stub( 'service_name' => 'Com::Vmware::Content::Library::Item::UpdateSession', 'stub_config' => $myStubConfig ); my $update_session_id = $update_session_stub->create('create_spec' => $update_session_model, 'client_token' => $idem_token); # 4 - Create a new AddSpec instance to describe the properties of # the file to be uploaded. my $file_spec = new Com::Vmware::Content::Library::Item::Updatesession::File::AddSpec(); $file_spec->set_name('name' => 'ESXi patch'); $file_spec->set_source_type('type' => Com::Vmware::Content::Library::Item::Updatesession::File::SourceType::PULL); # 5 - Specify the location from which the file is to be uploaded. my $endpoint = new Com::Vmware::Content::Library::Item::TransferEndpoint(); $endpoint->set_uri('uri' => ''); $file_spec->set_source_endpoint('source_endpoint' => $endpoint); # 6 - Link the file specification to the update session. my $update_file_stub = $stubFactory->create_stub( 'service_name' => 'Com::Vmware::Content::Library::Item::Updatesession::File', 'stub_config' => $myStubConfig ); $update_file_stub->add('update_session_id' => $update_session_id, 'file_spec' => $file_spec); # 7 - Mark session as completed, to initiate the asynchronous transfer. $update_session_stub->complete('update_session_id' => $update_session_id);