Examining LUNs with esxcli storage core

You can use
esxcli storage core
to display information about available LUNs on
You can run one of the following commands to examine LUNs. Specify one of the connection options listed in Connection Options for vCLI Host Management Commands in place of
  • List all logical devices known on this system with detailed information.
    esxcli <conn_options> storage core device list
    The command lists device information for all logical devices on this system. The information includes the name (UUID), device type, display name, and multipathing plugin. Specify the
    option to only list information about a specific device. See Storage Device Naming for background information.
    naa.5000c50037b3967e Display Name: <name> (naa.5000c50037b3967e) Has Settable Display Name: true Size: 953869 Device Type: Direct-Access ... naa.500000e014e7a4e0 Display Name: <name> (naa.500000e014e7a4e0) Has Settable Display Name: true Size: 70007 Device Type: Direct-Access ... mpx.vmhba0:C0:T0:L0 Display Name: Local <name> CD-ROM (mpx.vmhba0:C0:T0:L0) Has Settable Display Name: false Size: 0 Device Type: CD-ROM
  • List a specific logical device with its detailed information.
    esxcli <conn_options> storage core device list -d mpx.vmhba32:C0:T1:L0
  • List all device unique identifiers.
    esxcli <conn_options> storage core device list
    The command lists the primary UID for each device, such as
    or other primary name, and any other UIDs for each UID (VML name). You can specify
    to only list information for a specific device.
  • Print mappings for VMFS volumes to the corresponding partition, path to that partition, VMFS UUID, extent number, and volume names.
    esxcli <conn_option> storage filesystem list
  • Print HBA devices with identifying information.
    esxcli <conn_options> storage core adapter list
    The return value includes adapter and UID information.
  • Print a mapping between HBAs and the devices it provides paths to.
    esxcli <conn_options> storage core path list