Creating vSphere Solutions

The vSphere SDK provides a set of APIs that you can use to create extensions for
. The key SDK objects for extension development are
Use the
managed object in your
instance to register a new extension. Extensions can add new objects to the vCenter inventory. Extensions define tasks, events, and faults that relate to actions that the solution performs on the objects, the events that occur in the extension, and the problems that the objects encounter. You can also use
to add user interface elements to the
to allow users to interact with the objects that your extension provides to
adds data objects to the vSphere Extension APIs that integrate extensions as vCenter solutions that you can manage.
For information about how to develop
extensions, see the
VMware vSphere Web Client Extensions Programming Guide
For information about developing vSphere applications, see the
vSphere Web Services SDK Programming Guide
and the
VMware vSphere API Reference