Set up and Start the
EAM Sample Solution
The EAM Sample
Solution is a Web-based application. The solution demonstrates how to use OVF
and vSphere Installation Bundle (VIB) files to deploy ESX agent virtual
machines to
that a
instance manages. The EAM Sample Solution also optionally installs the VIB
files and integrates them with DvFilter.
- Verify that you have a running 6.5 instance.
- Verify that you have a running Web application server.
- Copy theeam-sample.warfile from theESX Agent Manager SDKfolder to a work directory.
- Unzip theeam-sample.warfile.
- Open thefile in a text editor.<work_directory>\eam-sample\WEB-INF\
- Provide the IP address of the machine where you run the solution, and the user name and password for your system in theeamri.propertiesfile.# IP of your machine. self.ip=<solution_IP_address># URL prefix. If running on any other port than standard Tomcat port change 8080 to # the used port. self.url.prefix=http://*:<port_number>/eam-sample # vCenter Server settings.<vCenter_Server_IP_address>vc.http.proxy.port = 80 vc.https.proxy.port = 443 vc.user =<username>vc.password =<password>If you run the Web application server on the same machine as , change the default port value of theself.url.prefixproperty from8080to18080to avoid a port clash between the instance and the Web application server.
- Leave thevib.deployproperty value set tofalse.
- Save and close the file.
- If you change the default port in theeamri.propertiesfile, you must replicate this change in the Web application server configuration<port_number>
- Copy theeam-sampledirectory from your work directory to the deployment location of your Web application server to deploy the EAM Sample solution.
- In a Web browser, go tohttp://to check that the EAM Sample Solution is running.<My_Web_App_Server_IP_address>:<port_number>/eam-sample/Make sure that you use the correct port number in the URL in case you changed the default value.You see the textThe EAM Sample Solution is up and running.
You have set up and started
the EAM Sample Solution.
View the EAM Sample Solution
in the
and use it to deploy ESX agent virtual machines.