Bash Example of
Calculating the Size Needed To Store the Backup File
This example shows how to invoke
from a bash script
to collect the information you use to calculate the size needed to store a backup file of
the instance. This example depends on certain variables that specify
the address of the
instance and credentials to access the
For simplicity, the variables are hard-coded at the start of the bash script. #!/bin/bash ##### EDITABLE BY USER to specify vCenter Server instance and credentials. ##### VC_ADDRESS=vcsa_ip VC_USER=sso_user VC_PASSWORD=sso_pass ############################ # Authenticate with basic credentials. curl -u "$VC_USER:$VC_PASSWORD" \ -X POST \ -k --cookie-jar cookies.txt \ "https://$VC_ADDRESS/api/com/vmware/cis/session" echo '' # Issue a request to list the backup file parts. curl -k -s --cookie cookies.txt \ -H 'Accept:application/json' \ "https://$VC_ADDRESS/api/appliance/recovery/backup/parts" \ >response.txt # Extract IDs of backup file parts. IDs=$(awk '{for (s=$0; match(s,/"id":"\w+"/); s=substr(s,RSTART+RLENGTH)) \ print substr(s,RSTART+6,RLENGTH-7);}' \ response.txt) # Request sizes of parts. echo Backup space required, by part ID: let "total=0" for ID in $IDs ; do curl -k -s --cookie cookies.txt \ -H 'Accept:application/json' \ "https://$VC_ADDRESS/api/appliance/recovery/backup/parts/$ID" \ >response.txt size=$(awk '{if (match($0,/"value":\w+/)) \ print substr($0,RSTART+8,RLENGTH-8);}' \ response.txt) printf " %-8s - %5dMB\n" "$ID" "$size" let "total += $size" done echo '' echo "Complete backup file size: ${total}MB" # Clean up temporary files. echo '' rm -f response.txt rm -f cookies.txt