Access to the VMware
Storage Policy Server
You can access the
VMware Storage Policy Server by connecting to a
system and obtaining a vCenter session cookie.
The VMware Storage Policy client API is described
in the WSDL (Web Service Definition Language) file that is included in the
VMware Storage Policy SDK. This API defines a set of
request operations that you use to manipulate storage profiles. The VMware
Storage Policy SDK includes Java bindings for the VMware Storage Policy WSDL.
To gain access to the Storage Policy Server, your
client connects to a
system and obtains the vCenter session cookie. Then you can use the vCenter
session cookie to establish the connection with the Storage Policy Server. See
Establishing a Connection with the VMware Storage Policy Server.
After you establish a Storage Policy Server
connection, your client uses language-specific Web Services access objects and
objects to access the Storage Policy managed objects and their methods.
The Storage Policy Web Services access objects are
language-specific API binding objects that are generated from the Storage
Policy WSDL. The VMware Storage Policy SDK contains JAXWS bindings to the
Storage Policy API. The JAXWS bindings include the
Web Services access
- PbmService– Provides access to thePbmPortTypeobject and it provides support for the Storage Policy Service connection.
- PbmPortType– Provides access to Storage Policy methods.
The following code fragment shows the sequence of
calls that you use to obtain access to the Storage Policy API methods.
Access to Storage Policy API Methods
import com.vmware.pbm.PbmService; import com.vmware.pbm.PbmPortType; import com.vmware.pbm.PbmServiceInstanceContent; [...] PbmService = new PbmService() PbmPortType pbmPort = PbmService.getPbmPort() PbmServiceInstanceContent pbmServiceContent = pbmPort.pbmRetrieveServiceContent
The following figure shows the
object and the Storage Policy managed objects that provide access to Storage
Policy services.
Storage Policy
Service Instance Content

object contains managed object references to the Storage Policy services. The
set of Storage Policy services include the profile manager, placement solver,
and compliance manager.
| ManagedObject
| Usage
Profile Manager
| PbmProfileProfileManager
| Create and update VMware
storage profiles. Storage profiles define storage requirements.
Placement Solver
| PbmPlacementSolver
| Identify candidate
datastores for storage locations.
Compliance Manager
| PbmComplianceManager
| Check compliance between
storage requirements and capabilities.