Batch Files and Shell
Scripts for Building and Running Samples in the Web Services SDK
The vSphere Web Services SDK includes
several batch files for Windows and shell scripts for Linux that facilitate
building and running the sample applications.
If you are using the JAX-WS 2.1 libraries with
JDK 1.7, you do not need to rebuild the samples.
Some of the batch files are used by other batch
files. For example,
calls the
scripts. If you
modify the batch files for any reason, be aware of the dependencies among them.
| Description
| Usage note
build.bat | Checks for environment
variable JAVAHOME and sets PATH, using the JAVAHOME variable. Cleans up
existing Java files (by calling
clean.bat or ).
build.bat sets the
local classpath (by calling
lcp.bat ). Creates
vim25.jar , and
samples.jar files.
| Use this script to
generate client stubs and rebuild all sample applications. Use the -w flag to
recompile without regenerating stubs.
| Sets the local
classpath on the workstation. Called by
build.bat and by
run.bat .
| Optional. Use to set
local classpath.
run.bat | Batch file that enables
running any of the sample applications. Sets the Java trustStore property to
the local trust store and invokes the Java runtime with the name of the
application passed as a parameter.
| Use this script to run
any Java sample applications.
| Removes any existing
artifacts before building the samples, deleting Java class files in the samples
packages and
samples.jar file.
Called by build script.
| Optional. Deletes all
generated source code files.