Defining Alarms Using
the AlarmSpec Data Object
data object has
properties for all aspects of an
, including its expression
and the action to take when the expression evaluates to true. The following
properties define the alarm; see the
API Reference
for a complete list.
- action– Action to initiate when theAlarmbecomes active. Specify one of theActionsubtypes. See Specifying Alarm Actions.
- actionFrequency– Number of seconds that theAlarmremains in the state required to initiate the specified action.
- expression– One or moreAlarmExpressiondata objects combined in a way that evaluates to a true-false expression. See Specifying Alarm Trigger Conditions with AlarmExpression.
- setting– Tolerance and frequency limits for theAlarmdefined in theAlarmSettingdata object.AlarmSettingcontains two integer properties:
- reportingFrequency, which specifies the number of seconds between activation of an alarm. Use 0 to specify that the alarm can activate as frequently as required.
- toleranceRange, which specifies the acceptable range (measured in hundredth percentage) above and below the specified value defined in aMetricAlarmExpression.