Java Example of
Uploading Files to a Library Item from a Local System
This example
shows how to upload an ISO image file from a local system to a library item.
This example uses the steps that are
described in the
Upload a File from a Local System to a Library Item
For related code
samples, see the
vSphere Automation SDK Java
samples at GitHub.
... // Access the com.vmware.content.library.item.updatesession.File. // and the UpdateSession services by using the vSphere Automation Endpoint. File uploadFileService = this.vapiAuthHelper.getStubFactory().createStub(File.class, sessionStubconfig); UpdateSession uploadService= this.vapiAuthHelper.getStubFactory().createStub(UpdateSession.class, sessionStubconfig); // Create an UpdateSessionModel instance to track the changes you make to the item. UpdateSessionModel updateSessionModel = new UpdateSessionModel(); updateSessionModel.setLibraryItemId(newItem); // Create a new update session. String clientToken = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String sessionId = uploadService.create(clientToken, updateSessionModel); // Create an instance of the HttpClient class which is part of the // com.vmware.vcloud.suite.samples.common package. try { HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(true); // Create a new AddSpec instance to describe the properties of the file to be uploaded. FileTypes.AddSpec fileSpec = new FileTypes.AddSpec(); fileSpec.setName("ESXi patch"); fileSpec.setSourceType(FileTypes.SourceType.PUSH); // Link the ISO file specification to the update session. FileTypes.Info fileInfo = uploadFileService.add(sessionId, fileSpec); // Use the HTTP library to upload the file to the library item. URI uploadUri = fileInfo.getUploadEndpoint().getUri(); file = new"/updates/esxi/esxi_patch.iso"); String transferUrl = uploadUri.toURL().toString(); httpClient.upload(file, transferUrl); // Mark the upload session as completed. uploadService.complete(sessionId); } finally { uploadService.delete(sessionId); }