Python Example of Uploading Files to a Library Item from a Local System

This example shows how to upload an ISO image file from the local system to a library item.
This example uses the steps that are described in the Upload a File from a Local System to a Library Item procedure.
For related code samples, see the vSphere Automation SDK Python samples at GitHub.
... # 1 - Create an instance of the ItemModel class and specify the item settings. item_model = library_client.ItemModel() = ’ESXi patches’ item_model.description = ’ESXi security patches’ item_model.type = ’iso’ item_model.library_id = my_library_id idem_token = str(uuid.uuid4()) item_stub = library_client.Item(my_stub_config) item_id = item_stub.create(create_spec=item_model, client_token=idem_token) # 2 - Create an UpdateSessionModel instance to track the changes you make to the item. update_session_model = item_client.UpdateSessionModel() update_session_model.library_item_id = item_id # 3 - Create an update session from the model. idem_token = str(uuid.uuid4()) update_session_stub = update_session_client.UpdateSession(my_stub_config) session_id = update_session_stub.create(create_spec=update_session_model client_token=idem_token) try : # 4 - Create a new AddSpec instance to describe the properties of the file to be uploaded. file_spec = update_session_client.AddSpec() = ’ESXi patch’ file_spec.source_type = update_session_client.File.SourceType.PUSH # 5 - Link the ISO file spec to the update session. update_file_stub = update_session_stub.File(my_stub_config) file_info = update_file_stub.File.add(update_session_id=session_id, file_spec=file_spec) # 6 - Use HTTP library to upload the file to the library item. upload_uri = file_info.upload_endpoint.uri file_name = “/updates/esxi/esxi_patch.iso” host = urlparse.urlsplit(upload_uri) connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(host.netloc) with open(file_name, “rb”) as f : connection.request(“PUT”, upload_uri, f) # 7 - Commit the updates. library_item_service.UpdateSession.complete(session_id) finally : # 8 - Delete the session. library_item_service.UpdateSession.delete(session_id)