HTTP Requests for
Certificate Management
You can use HTTP
requests to generate a CSR, retrieve, renew, or replace TLS certificates, and
retrieve, create, or delete trusted root certificate chains.
The following HTTP requests show
the syntax that you can use to perform the available user operations.
Before you send
requests, you must authenticate with administrator credentials.
- Generate a CSRPOST https://<server>/rest/vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/tls-csr
- Get TLS certificatesGET https://<server>/rest/vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/tls
- Replace TLS certificatesPUT https://<server>/rest/vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/tls
- Renew TLS certificatesPOST https://<server>/rest/vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/tls?action=renew
- Create a trusted root certificate chainPOST https://<server>/rest/vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/trusted-root-chains
- List trusted root certificatesGET https://<server>/rest/vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/trusted-root-chains
- Get trusted root certificate informationGET https://<server>/rest/vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/trusted-root-chains/{chain}
- Delete a trusted root certificateDELETE https://<server>/rest/vcenter/certificate-management/vcenter/trusted-root-chains/{chain}
For information about the
content and syntax of the HTTP request body, see the
API Reference
HTTP Status
Table 1
lists the status codes that you can receive when you send HTTP requests.
HTTP Status Code
| Description
| Operations that Return the Status Code
| The operation is successful.
| All operations. You can check the returned
data in the results data structure.
| The operation is unsuccessful.
| There is an authorization issue.
| The object you are trying to perform an
operation on is missing.