Perl Example of Retrieving a Service Endpoint from Multiple vCenter Server instances

This example provides a common pattern for filtering Lookup Service registration data. This example is based on the code from the
sample file.
This example uses the steps that are described in the Retrieve Service Endpoints on vCenter Server Instances procedure.
For a complete and up-to-date version of the sample code, see the vSphere Automation SDK Perl samples at GitHub.
use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Headers; use XML::LibXML; # Use this to set HTTP header info. sub byte_length { my ($string) = @_; use bytes; return length($string); } sub lookup_service_infos { # Uses global $my_ls_url. # Accepts a node_id string or '*' to search all nodes. my $prod = shift; my $svc_type = shift; my $proto = shift; my $ep_type = shift; my $node_id = shift || '*'; # Format SOAP XML for List request. my $node_element = ($node_id eq '*' ? '' : "<nodeId>$node_id</nodeId>"); my $soap_message = " <S:Envelope xmlns:S=\"\"> <S:Body> <List xmlns=\"urn:lookup\"> <_this type=\"LookupServiceRegistration\">ServiceRegistration</_this> <filterCriteria> $node_element <serviceType> <product>$prod</product> <type>$svc_type</type> </serviceType> <endpointType> <protocol>$proto</protocol> <type>$ep_type</type> </endpointType> </filterCriteria> </List> </S:Body> </S:Envelope> "; # Send HTTP request. my $user_agent = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => 'viperl', ssl_opts => {verify_hostname=>0}); my $http_header = HTTP::Headers->new( Content_Type => 'text/xml', SOAPAction => 'urn:lookup/2.0', Content_Length => byte_length($soap_message)); my $http_request = HTTP::Request->new('POST', $my_ls_url, $http_header, $soap_message); my $response = $user_agent->request($http_request); # Parse results. my $xml_parser = XML::LibXML->new; my $result; eval { $parsed = $xml_parser->parse_string($response->content) }; if ($@) { die 'SOAP request error.' }; my $body = $parsed->documentElement()->getChildrenByTagName('soapenv:Body')->shift; my $list_response = $body->getChildrenByTagName('ListResponse')->shift; my $return_val = $list_response->getChildrenByTagName('returnval')->shift; my @endpoints = $return_val->getChildrenByTagName('serviceEndpoints'); return @endpoints; }