Create the Program that
Manages the Extension
An extension
communicates with
across a network, so you can use any programming language to create the program
that manages an extension.
- Verify that you have set up and started the EAM Sample Solution in an application server.
- Openeam_work_folder\src\com\vmware\eam\sample\solution\
The product that you are
exposing as an extension to
determines the way you create the program that will manage your extension. The
managing program must implement
to provide
the information that
requires to register the extension.
The EAM Sample Solution
defines the server side of the solution in the
the following tasks for the EAM Sample Solution.
- Sets up the EAM Sample Solution by obtaining the values for the extension key, connection, IP addresses, and port configuration from theeamri.propertiesfile.
- Secures the connection to by using TLS.
- Defines methods to construct the URLs through which to access the server side of the extension.
- Implements theExtensionobject to register the EAM Sample Solution as an extension with .
- Integrates the EAM Sample Solution as a solution with .
- Connects the solution to the ESX Agent Manager.
- Instantiates the class that defines the ESX agents that the solution deploys.
- Starts the solution in .
- Defines a task to unregister the solution from .
- Create a program to manage your extension using the programming language of your choice.The EAM Sample Solution defines theManagerclass to manage the extension.Managerimplements the Spring Framework API.public class Manager implements InitializingBean { }
- Create an instance of theExtensiondata object with which to register the extension with .TheManagerclass defines an internal method that instantiates anExtension.public class Manager implements InitializingBean { [...] private Extension createExtensionObject() { Extension extension = new Extension(); [...] } }
Connect the extension to