Displaying Help Information for DCLI Commands

You can display help for each namespace and command by using the
command-line option.
Because the available commands depend entirely on the services that are available in the vCenter environment that you are targeting, you must include the server for accurate help information. For
VMware Cloud on AWS
, the available commands depend on the services that are available in the REST API that you are targeting.
Help returns the following information for a command.
  • Each input option
  • Whether the option is required
  • Input type


dcli com vmware cis tagging tag create --help usage: com vmware cis tagging tag create [-h] --name NAME --description DESCRIPTION --category-id CATEGORY_ID Creates a tag Input Arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --name NAME required: The display name of the tag (string) --description DESCRIPTION required: The description of the tag (string) --category-id CATEGORY_ID required: The unique identifier of the parent category in which this tag will be created (string)
dcli> com vmware vmc orgs sddcs list --help usage: com vmware vmc orgs sddcs list [-h] [--org ORG] Lists all SDDCs of an organization Input Arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --org ORG Organization identifier (required) (string)