About the SDK
The Guest and HA Application Monitoring SDK is
available as a tarball for Linux or a ZIP file for Windows. Both have a similar
directory structure, shown in
Table 1, with minor differences for
Directory or Folder
| Explanation of Contents
bin/bin32 or
bin/win32 bin/bin64 or
bin/win64 | Contains the
program, which controls the HA application monitoring heartbeat from the
command line.
| Contains the Guest SDK
terms and conditions, and text of related Open Source licenses. Also contains
sample code for HA application monitoring.
samples/java | The
samples/C subdirectory
subfolder) contains the
sample.c (or
appmon.cpp ) program to
demonstrate HA application monitoring API. Follow instructions in the README
file to compile with
make or with Visual
Studio. The
samples/java directory
contains a Java native interface (JNI) implementation that builds on the C
implementation. Again, see the README file.
| Header files for basic
types, GuestAppMonitor and Guest libraries, and session ID.
| Sample C program to run
all the Guest library functions and return statistics. On Linux, use
gcc to compile this
program, and run it on an ESXi hosted virtual machine.
lib/lib32 or
lib/win32 lib/lib64 or
lib/win64 | Shared objects or DLL
files and libraries for the Guest library, the Guest library for Java, and the
HA application monitoring library.
vmGuestLibJava/doc | JAR file and standard
Javadoc for a prepackaged Java implementation of the Guest API. For a list of
methods, browse
index.html and see the
VMGuestLibInterface page.