Validating an OVF 1.0 or
OVF 1.1 Descriptor
If you are generating OVF 1.0 or OVF 1.1
descriptors manually, you can check whether the descriptors comply with OVF 1.0
or OVF 1.1. The following examples show how to validate descriptors:
> ovftool --schemaValidate package.ovf > ovftool --schemaValidate package.ova > ovftool --schemaValidate > ovftool --schemaValidate
If everything is correct, OVF Tool shows the
result of probing OVF. Otherwise, it shows warnings and errors.
Being compliant with OVF 1.0
or 1.1 is only part of the requirements for a valid OVF package. Schema
validation does not check for all the requirements specified in the OVF 1.0 and
OVF 1.1 specifications.