vCloud Director
The syntax for vCloud locators are the same
as for other locators:
vcloud://username:password@host:port?org=name_of_org&vapp=name_of_deployed_vapp& catalog=name_of_catalog&vappTemplate=name_of_vapp_template_in_catalog&vdc=name_of_vdc
Some of the options are not needed if there is
only one virtual datacenter to choose from. If there are more than on
datacenter, the catalog option is required. The
option is mandatory, because
it is used to log in to vCloud Director.
OVF Tool supports all source types
for vCloud Director 1.5. For vCloud Director 1.0, OVF Tool only supports
OVF/OVA/vCloud sources. OVF Tool does not support vi, vmx, or vapprun sources
for vCloud Director 1.0.
Examples of vCloud
The following example uploads and deploys an OVF
named test into vCloud Director and names the vApp my_test1.
ovftool /tmp/test.ovf
This example exports a vCloud Director vApp to
the OVF file /tmp/test1.ovf
If you use a network, you map the network in the
usual way:
You also apply properties in the usual way.