Running machineOutput in
Import to vSphere Mode
When you run the machineOutput option in
import mode, OVF Tool reports the following status sequence:
- AUTHENTICATION (zero or more)
- MANIFEST (zero or one)
- CERTIFICATE (zero or one)
- PROGRESS (one or more)
- TARGET_ID (exactly one)
- RESULT (exactly one)
To use machine mode to upload an OVF to vSphere,
you run the following command.
ovftool.exe --machineOutput \ --acceptAllEulas \ --I:morefArgs \ --I:targetSessionTicket=<session ticket> \ --net:<ovf netname>=vim.Network:<moref-id> \ --datastore=vim.Datastore:<moref-id> \ --vmFolder=vim.Folder:<moref-id> \ --deploymentOption=<value> \ --diskMode=<value> \ --ipAllocationPolicy=<value> \ --ipProtocol=<value> \ --name=<value> (optional) \ --overwrite (optional) \ --powerOffTarget (optional) \ --powerOn (optional) \ --prop:<key>=<value> \ <src URL or PATH> \ vi://<servername>?moref=vim.ResourcePool:<moref-id>
For an example, see
Output from Running machineOutput in Import Mode.