Command Syntax
The VMware telnet extension defines a telnet
proxy option for sending notification of vSphere vMotion events to a virtual
serial port proxy. A VMware telnet extension command sequence uses the
following general format:
IACtelnet-commandVMWARE-TELNET-EXT [ext-command[parameters] IAC SE]
- IACis the telnet escape character prefix (Interpret as Command).
- telnet-commandis one of the following telnet commands:WILL,WON’T,DO,DON’T, andSB.
- VMWARE-TELNET-EXTis the VMware telnet extension command.
- ext-commandis a VMware telnet extension command that indicates one of the extension suboption commands. A suboption command sequence begins with theVMWARE-TELNET-EXTcommand and is enclosed withinIAC SB ... IAC SEtelnet subnegotiation commands.
- parametersindicates one or more parameter values.
- IAC SEis the telnet sequence for completing a subnegotiation command sequence.
The following sections contain tables of VMware
telnet extension commands. A table entry shows the command, the corresponding
integer code, a description, and the command and code sequences. A code
sequence for a VMware telnet extension command has the following
- The code sequence begins with code 255, the telnet escape character prefix IAC (Interpret as Command).
- VMware telnet extension commands use two- or three-byte code sequences.
- TheVMWARE-TELNET-EXTcommand code is 232.
- Subnegotiation command sequences include begin (SB) and end (SE) codes (250 and 240).
For example, the
command requires the
following code sequence with embedded arguments for direction (“S” for server)
and URI:
IAC SB VMWARE-TELNET-EXT DO-PROXY direction uri IAC SE 255 250 232 70 "S" "telnet://" 255 240 [R]VM