JavaScript Example of Checking Overall System Health of the

This example shows the use of JavaScript with the
vSphere Automation SDK for REST
to request the overall system health indicator for the
The example assumes a previously existing session with the
vSphere Automation
API endpoint. The JavaScript code depends on the
This example depends on the following global variables.
  • my_http_options
var https = require('https'); var httpPort = 443; var httpPath = '/rest/appliance/health/system'; var httpMethod = 'GET'; // Prepare the HTTP request. my_http_options = session.my_http_options; my_http_options.method = httpMethod; my_http_options.path = httpPath; // Define the callbacks. function callback(res) { res.on('error', function(err) {console.log('ERROR checking system health: ', err)}); res.on('data', function(chunk) {data = chunk.toString();}); res.on('end', function() { if (res.statusCode == 200) { console.log('Overall system health status: ', JSON.parse(data).value); } }) }; // Issue the request. https.request(my_http_options, callback).end();