SAML Token Security
sample creates a
custom policy assertion that is derived from the .NET class
. The
assertion class gives the .NET framework access to the SAML token and the X509
The sample performs the following operations to
set up the security policy and message handling.
- Sets theServicePointManagerproperties to specify SSL3 and HTTP 100-Continue response handling. 100-Continue response handling supports more efficient communication between the client and vCenter server. When the client-side .NET framework sends a request to the server, it sends the request header and waits for a 100-Continue response from the server. After it receives that response, it sends the request body to the server.
- Creates anX509Certificate2object, specifies the certificate file, and imports the certificate. The certificate file specification indicates a PKCS #12 format file (Public-Key Cryptography Standards) –PfxCertificateFile. The file contains the client’s private key and public certificate. ThePfxCertificateFilesetting is defined in theapp.configfile in theLoginByTokenproject. The definition specifies the location of the file.
- Creates a custom security assertion to store the SAML token and the certificate. The token and certificate will be included in the policy data for theLoginByTokenrequest.
- Defines a custom output filter that is derived from the .NET classSendSecurityFilter.
Custom Security
The following example shows the
. The
method returns a
instance which overrides the .NET class
. The
security assertion contains the SAML token and the X509 certificate token. This
code is taken from the
project file
Setting Up Security Policies
private SecurityPolicyAssertion GetSecurityPolicyAssertionForHokToken(XmlElement xmlToken) { //When this property is set to true, client requests that use the POST method //expect to receive a 100-Continue response from the server to indicate that //the client should send the data to be posted. This mechanism allows clients //to avoid sending large amounts of data over the network when the server, //based on the request headers, intends to reject the request ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3; X509Certificate2 certificateToBeAdded = new X509Certificate2(); string certificateFile = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PfxCertificateFile"]; string password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PfxCertificateFilePassword"]; certificateToBeAdded.Import(certificateFile, password ?? string.Empty, X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet); var customSecurityAssertion = new CustomSecurityAssertionHok(); customSecurityAssertion.BinaryToken = xmlToken; customSecurityAssertion.TokenType = strSamlV2TokenType; customSecurityAssertion.SecurityToken = new X509SecurityToken(certificateToBeAdded); return customSecurityAssertion; }
Custom Output Filter
for a vCenter Single Sign-On Client
A vCenter Single Sign-On client provides a
custom output filter for the custom security assertion. The custom filter
provides three methods:
- CustomSecurityClientOutputFilterHok class constructor – Creates token and message signature objects for the SOAP message.
- SecureMessage—An override method for the .NET methodSendSecurityFilter.SecureMessage. The override method adds the SAML token and message signature to the .NET Security element.
- CreateKeyInfoSignatureElement – Creates an XML document that specifies the SAML token type and ID.
The following code example demonstrates how to
create a custom output filter.
Output Filter for the Custom
internal class CustomSecurityClientOutputFilterHok : SendSecurityFilter { IssuedToken issuedToken = null; string samlAssertionId = null; MessageSignature messageSignature = null; /// Create a custom SOAP request filter. /// (Save the token and certificate.) public CustomSecurityClientOutputFilterHok(CustomSecurityAssertionHok parentAssertion) : base(parentAssertion.ServiceActor, true) { issuedToken = new IssuedToken(parentAssertion.BinaryToken, parentAssertion.TokenType); samlAssertionId = parentAssertion.BinaryToken.Attributes.GetNamedItem("ID").Value; messageSignature = new MessageSignature(parentAssertion.SecurityToken); } /// Secure the SOAP message before its sent to the server. public override void SecureMessage(SoapEnvelope envelope, Security security) { //create KeyInfo XML element messageSignature.KeyInfo = new KeyInfo(); messageSignature.KeyInfo.LoadXml(CreateKeyInfoSignatureElement()); security.Tokens.Add(issuedToken); security.Elements.Add(messageSignature); } /// Helper method to create a custom key info signature element. /// Returns Key info XML element. private XmlElement CreateKeyInfoSignatureElement() { var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); xmlDocument.LoadXml(@"<root><SecurityTokenReference xmlns="""" xmlns:wsse="""" wsse:TokenType=""""> <KeyIdentifier xmlns="""" ValueType="""">" + samlAssertionId + @"</KeyIdentifier></SecurityTokenReference></root>"); return xmlDocument.DocumentElement; } }