Create a New Hosted
locally creates a new
virtual disk, after being connected to the host. In
, you must specify the
disk type, adapter, hardware version, and capacity as a number of sectors. This
function supports hosted disk. For managed disk, first create a hosted type
virtual disk, then use
to convert the
virtual disk to managed disk.
vixError = VixDiskLib_Create(appGlobals.connection, appGlobals.diskPath, &createParams, NULL, NULL);
enforces a 4GB limit for virtual disks on FAT32 and FAT file systems, a 16TB - 54KB
(hex FFFFFFF0000) limit on NTFS file systems, and a 2^64 - 1 limit (more than an
exabyte) on exFAT file systems. Hosted virtual disk > 2TB is not supported. POSIX based file systems including NFS version 3
no longer have a 2GB file size limit. Although various checks are done to avoid
creating impossibly large files, it becomes the customer’s responsibility to
cope with 2GB limits on NFS version 2 or Linux kernel 2.4 (EFS).