Opens disks for mounting on a Linux virtual machine, or disk sets on a Windows virtual machine. VixMntapi supports whatever file systems the proxy supports. On Linux, VixMntapi does not support Logical Volume Manager (LVM), although vendors can write their own scripts to support LVM disks.
VixError VixMntapi_OpenDisks(VixDiskLibConnection connection, const char *diskNames[], size_t numberOfDisks, uint32 openFlags, VixDiskSetHandle *handle);
- connection[in] TheVixDiskLibConnectionto use for opening the disks. CallsVixDiskLib_Open() with the specified flags for each disk to open.
- diskNames[in] Array of disk names to open.
- numberOfDisks[in] Number of disk handles in the array. Must be 1 for Linux.
- flags[in] Flags to open the disk.
- handle[out] Disk set handle to be filled in.