Managing Duplicate VMFS
In some cases VMFS
datastores can have duplicate UUIDs.
Each VMFS datastore created in a
LUN has a unique UUID that is stored in the file system superblock. When the
LUN is replicated or when a snapshot is made, the resulting LUN copy is
identical, byte-for-byte, to the original LUN. As a result, if the original LUN
contains a VMFS datastore with UUID X, the LUN copy appears to contain an
identical VMFS datastore, or a VMFS datastore copy, with the same UUID X.
ESXi hosts can determine whether
a LUN contains the VMFS datastore copy, and either mount the datastore copy
with its original UUID or change the UUID to resignature the datastore.
When a LUN contains a VMFS
datastore copy, you can mount the datastore with the existing signature or
assign a new signature. The
vSphere Storage
documentation discusses volume resignaturing in detail.