Managing Third-Party
Storage Arrays
VMware partners
and customers can optimize performance of their storage arrays in conjunction
with VMware vSphere by using VMware PSA (pluggable storage architecture). The
esxcli storage
namespace manages VMware PSA and the
esxcli storage
namespace manages the VMware NMP plug-in.
vSphere Storage
documentation discusses PSA functionality in detail and explains how to use the
to manage the PSA, the associated native multipathing
plug-in (NMP), and third-party plug-ins.
This chapter uses the following
Acronym | Meaning |
PSA | Pluggable Storage
Architecture |
NMP | Native Multipathing Plug-in.
Generic VMware multipathing module. |
PSP | Path Selection Plug-in. Handles
path selection for a given device. |
SATP | Storage Array Type Plug-in.
Handles path failover for a given storage array. |