Manage an NTP
Some protocols,
such as Kerberos, must have accurate information about the current time. In
those cases, you can add an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server to your
ESXCLI command exists for adding and starting an NTP server.
The following example
illustrates setting up an NTP server. Specify one of the options listed in
Connection Options for vCLI Host Management Commands
in place of
- Runvicfg-ntp --addto add an NTP server to the host specified in<conn_options>and use a host name or IP address to specify an already running NTP server.vicfg-ntp <conn_options> -a 192.XXX.XXX.XX
- Runvicfg-ntp --startto start the service.vicfg-ntp <conn_options> --start
- Runvicfg-ntp --listto list the service.vicfg-ntp <conn_options> --list
- Runvicfg-ntp --stopto stop the service.vicfg-ntp <conn_options> --stop
- Runvicfg-ntp --deleteto remove the specified NTP server from the host specified in<conn_options>.vicfg-ntp <conn_options> --delete 192.XXX.XXX.XX