HTTP Configuration for
Web Services API Endpoint on vCenter Server Appliance
You can modify the Web proxy service to
support HTTP on vCenter Server Appliance.
You can modify from a shell window over an SSH
connection, using the following procedure. If you do not have SSH enabled, see
vCenter Server Appliance
VMware vCenter Server Appliance Progrmmaing
. This procedure applies to version 6.0 or later vCenter Server
- Log in to a shell window withrootprivileges.
- Change directories to the location of the endpoint configuration file.
- For vCenter Server Appliance: cd /etc/vmware-rhttpproxy/endpoints.conf.d
- Copy theendpoints.conffile to a temporary directory for editing.
- On vCenter Server Appliance:# cp vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf /tmp/vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf
- Change the permissions on the temporary vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf file to allow editing.
- On vCenter Server Appliance:# chmod +w /tmp/vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf
- Use a text editor to open the temporary file.
- On vCenter Server Appliance:# vi /tmp/vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf
- Navigate to the line that specifies the endpoints for SDK connections, which begins with/sdk.The line looks similar to this:/sdk local 8085 redirect allow
- To enable HTTP connections, change the wordredirecttoallow.When configured to allow both HTTP and HTTPS connections, the/sdkline looks similar to this:/sdk local 8085 allow allow
- (Optional) If you prefer to completely disable HTTPS, change the last word torejectinstead ofallow.When configured to allow only HTTP connections, the/sdkline looks similar to this:/sdk local 8085 allow reject
- (Optional) Change the setting for the Managed Object Browser as well.When configured to allow both HTTP and HTTPS connections, the/mobline looks similar to this:/mob local 8085 allow allow
- Save your settings and close the file.
- Change the permissions on the temporary file to disable editing.
- On vCenter Server Appliance:#chmod -w /tmp/vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf
- Copy the originalendpoints.conffile to a backup file.
- On vCenter Server Appliance:#cp vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf.old
- Copy the temporary fileendpoints.conffile back, replacing the originalendpoints.conffile.
- On vCenter Server Appliance:#cp /tmp/vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf
- Signal the reverse proxy service to update its configuration by entering the following command:
- On vCenter Server Appliance:/etc/init.d/vmware-rhttpproxy restart
For an example of the contents of a vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf file modified to support HTTP connections, see HTTP Configuration for Web Services API Endpoint.