HTTP Configuration for Web Services API Endpoint on vCenter Server Appliance

You can modify the Web proxy service to support HTTP on vCenter Server Appliance.
You can modify from a shell window over an SSH connection, using the following procedure. If you do not have SSH enabled, see
vCenter Server Appliance Configuration
VMware vCenter Server Appliance Progrmmaing Guide
. This procedure applies to version 6.0 or later vCenter Server Appliance.
  1. Log in to a shell window with
  2. Change directories to the location of the endpoint configuration file.
    • For vCenter Server Appliance:
cd /etc/vmware-rhttpproxy/endpoints.conf.d
  3. Copy the
    file to a temporary directory for editing.
    • On vCenter Server Appliance:

      # cp vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf /tmp/vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf
  4. Change the permissions on the temporary vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf file to allow editing.
    • On vCenter Server Appliance:

      # chmod +w /tmp/vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf
  5. Use a text editor to open the temporary file.
    • On vCenter Server Appliance:

      # vi /tmp/vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf
  6. Navigate to the line that specifies the endpoints for SDK connections, which begins with
    The line looks similar to this:
    /sdk    local    8085               redirect     allow
  7. To enable HTTP connections, change the word
    When configured to allow both HTTP and HTTPS connections, the
    line looks similar to this:
    /sdk    local    8085               allow     allow
  8. (Optional) If you prefer to completely disable HTTPS, change the last word to
    instead of
    When configured to allow only HTTP connections, the
    line looks similar to this:
    /sdk    local    8085               allow     reject
  9. (Optional) Change the setting for the Managed Object Browser as well.
    When configured to allow both HTTP and HTTPS connections, the
    line looks similar to this:
    /mob    local    8085               allow     allow
  10. Save your settings and close the file.
  11. Change the permissions on the temporary file to disable editing.
    • On vCenter Server Appliance:

      chmod -w /tmp/vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf
  12. Copy the original
    file to a backup file.
    • On vCenter Server Appliance:

      cp vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf.old
  13. Copy the temporary file
    file back, replacing the original
    • On vCenter Server Appliance:

      cp /tmp/vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf
  14. Signal the reverse proxy service to update its configuration by entering the following command:
    • On vCenter Server Appliance:
      /etc/init.d/vmware-rhttpproxy restart
    For an example of the contents of a vpxd-rhttpproxy-endpoint.conf file modified to support HTTP connections, see HTTP Configuration for Web Services API Endpoint.