Python Example of Creating an OVF Template in a Content Library from a Virtual Machine

This example shows how to capture a virtual machine in an OVF template and store the files in a new library item in a specified library.
This example uses the steps that are described in the Create an OVF Template in a Content Library from a Virtual Machine or vApp procedure.
For related code samples, see the
VMware repository at GitHub.
... # Specify the resource to be captured. deployable_identity = ovf_client.LibraryItem.DeployableIdentity(); deployable_identity.type = “VirtualMachine” = “vm-32” # Create a target spec to identify a library to hold the new item. create_target = ovf_client.LibraryItem.CreateTarget() create_target.library_id = my_library_id # Specify OVF properties. create_spec = ovf_client.LibraryItem.CreateSpec() = “snap-32” create_spec.description = “Snapshot of VM-32” # Initiate synchronous capture operation. lib_item_stub = ovf_client.LibraryItem(my_stub_config) client_token = str(uuid.uuid4()) result = lib_item_stub.create(source=deployable_identity, target=create_target, create_spec=create_spec, client_token=client_token) # Verify capture status. print("Resource Type={} (ID={}) status:".format(deployable_identity.type, if result.succeeded == True : print("Resource captured.”) else : print("Capture failed.") if result.error is not None : for error in result.error.errors : print("Error {}".format(error.message)) if len(result.error.warnings) > 0 : print("Warnings:") for warning in result.error.warnings : print("{}".format(warning.message)) if len(result.error.information) > 0 : print("Messages:") for info in result.error.information : for message in info.messages : print("{}".format(message))