Install Required Perl
Modules on a Linux System
If you are using a Linux system, you must
install the required Perl modules from a terminal window.
- Run the following commands for remote access to CPAN (comprehensive Perl archive network) in a terminal window.$ sudo -s # perl -MCPAN -e shell
- Run the following command at the CPAN prompt to installSOAP::Lite.cpan> install SOAP::Lite
- Respond to the questions that appear.The module installs.
- Go to the Web site, search for UUID, and download the latest source.
- Untar the downloaded file, open a terminal window.
- Go to the untarred directory and run the following commands to installUUID.# make # make test # make installIf runningmakeresults in errors about missing items, installuuid-devwithapt-geton Debian-based systems ore2fsprogs-dev[el]on other systems.
- Run the following commands to installData::Dump.# perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> install Data::DumpAfter you have installed vSphere SDK for Perl, the following artifacts and samples are in the vSphere SDK for Perl installation directory.Components and LocationsPathDescriptionPerl/samples/WSManSample Perl scripts that use the WS-Management library to obtain information through the CIMOM of an ESX/ESXiorvCenter Serversystem. Sample programs let you check sensor health, obtain firmware revision levels, list field-replaceable units, and list power supply details. See Table 1.Perl/lib/WSManWS-Management interface Perl modules.