Python Access to vSphere APIs
the Python developer, this chapter shows how to install the Python SDKs and run example
programs against vSphere APIs.
VMware vSphere offers two important
programming interfaces: (1) Web Services API in the vSphere Management SDK, which is
SOAP based and the integration point for
. (2) vSphere
Automation API, which is primarily REST based but has additional bindings for Python and
Java. SOAP interfaces were first used decades ago to implement the vSphere Client UI.
The Automation API is newer with additional features and some duplication. Code samples
in this chapter use them together.Prerequisite:
Python 3.8 or higher. Recent Linux distributions and MacOS include higher Python
versions. The command name is probably
but can be
aliased.Installing the Python SDKs for
Python access to vSphere APIs is most
convenient with the
library. To install
:- If not already installed, get the Python installerpip. On Ubuntu systems, the package is namedpython-pip. On MacOS there are several alternatives; one is to download and In any case, addpip's location to your PATH.
- Updatepipand setup tools, then install (or upgrade)pyvmomiwith thepipcommand.pip install --upgrade pip pip install --upgrade setuptools pip install --upgrade pyvmomi
- Install the vSphere Automation SDK for Python from its Github archive. The expressiongit+httpsmeans to use secure HTTP for downloading the Github install.pip install --upgrade git+ could also download the vSphere Automation SDK for Python (as a ZIP file) from its landing page. Install instructions, including for a secure air-gapped environment, are available in the Quick Start Guide section of on the web page.
- Now you are ready to run the code samples below. Copy and paste the code into a file and run thepythonorpython3command on the file. You can run one at a time, or all three copy-and-pastes together at once.
Basic Authentication Using
SDK simplifies code for connecting to the VIM endpoint
by using a SmartConnect
function that accepts basic user
credentials, opens a session with the server, and returns the
object. ServiceInstance
contains references to specific managed objects needed to use VIM API features.The
object contains interface stubs for all
Automation API endpoints. This code excerpt shows a function that connects to both
the VIM endpoint and the Automation API endpoint and returns both the
object and the ServiceInstance
object.hostname = '' username = 'administrator@vsphere.local' password = 'TooSecret2C!' from pyVim.connect import SmartConnect from vmware.vapi.vsphere.client import create_vsphere_client, VsphereClient import requests, urllib3 import sys from pyVmomi import vim def connect(host: str, user: str, pwd: str, insecure: bool) -> tuple[VsphereClient, vim.ServiceInstance]: session = requests.session() if insecure: session.verify = False urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) print('Creating an Automation API session.') vsphere_client = create_vsphere_client(host, user, pwd, session=session) print('Creating a VIM/SOAP session.') si = SmartConnect(host=host, user=user, pwd=pwd, disableSslCertValidation=insecure) return vsphere_client, si (vsphere_client, service_instance) = connect(hostname, username, password, insecure=True)
At this point, your session is established and the session ID is stored in a cookie
that will be passed along with future requests.
Creating a Hello Folder with the
VIM API Using pyvmomi
object contains a reference to the root folder of the managed object hierarchy. You
can invoke the CreateFolder()
method on the
object to create a subfolder named Hello
.... print('Using VIM to create Hello Folder.') try: hello_folder = service_instance.content.rootFolder.CreateFolder('Hello Folder') except vim.fault.DuplicateName as oops: print(oops) print('Please delete folder from Inventory and try again.\n') sys.exit(1) print('Hello Folder MOref: ', hello_folder, type(hello_folder), '\n') # Convert object IDs from VIM to VAPI. def vim_moref_to_moid(moref): return moref._GetMoId() ...
Tagging the Folder with
Automation API for Python
To tag a folder, start by creating a tag
category, then create a tag in that category, and finally attach the tag to the
... # Interface factory object: stub_config = vsphere_client._stub_config print('Automation API creating a tag category.') from com.vmware.vapi.std_client import DynamicID from com.vmware.cis.tagging_client import Category, CategoryModel, Tag, TagAssociation import com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client category_id = None tag_id = None category_stub = Category(stub_config) tc_create_spec = category_stub.CreateSpec(name='hello_category', description = 'example of tagging category from pyvmomi', cardinality = CategoryModel.Cardinality.MULTIPLE, associable_types = set(['Folder'])) try: category_id = category_stub.create(tc_create_spec) except com.vmware.vapi.std.errors_client.AlreadyExists as oops: print(oops) print('Please delete category from Tags & Custom Attributes and try again.\n') sys.exit(1) print('New category created: ', category_id) print('VAPI creating a tag in new category.') tag_stub = Tag(stub_config) tag_create_spec = tag_stub.CreateSpec(name='hello_tag', description= 'example of a tag', category_id=category_id) try: tag_id = tag_stub.create(tag_create_spec) except errors_client.NotFound as oops: print('Exception: \n', oops, '\n') sys.exit(1) print('New tag created: ', tag_id) print('VAPI creating association of tag with Hello Folder.') dynamic_id = DynamicID(type='Folder', id=vim_moref_to_moid(hello_folder)) tag_association_stub = TagAssociation(stub_config) tag_association_stub.attach(tag_id=tag_id, object_id=dynamic_id) print('Tag attached to folder.')
The following image shows the Hello
Folder and Category as it looks in the vSphere Client UI.

What To Do Next
You can download community-sourced
examples three different ways:- gitclone