Create an Empty Library Item

You can create as many library items as needed and associate them with a local content library.
  1. Access the
    service by using the
    vSphere Automation
  2. Instantiate the
  3. Define the settings of the new library item.
  4. Associate the library item with an existing local library.
  5. Invoke the
    function on the
    object to pass the library item specification and the unique client token.
This example shows how to create an empty library item that stores an ISO image file.
This example uses the steps that are described in the Create an Empty Library Item procedure.
For related code samples, see the
VMware repository at GitHub.
... // Create an instance of the ItemModel class and specify the item settings. ItemModel libItemSpec = new ItemModel(); libItemSpec.setName("ESXi ISO image"); libItemSpec.setDescription("ISO image with the latest security patches for ESXi"); libItemSpec.setType("iso"); // Associate the item with an existing content library. libItemSpec.setLibraryId("<content_library_ID>"); // Create the new Item instance, using the specified model. Item libItemService = this.vapiAuthHelper.getStubFactory().createStub(Item.class, sessionStubconfig); String itemID = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String newItem = libItemService.create(itemID, libItemSpec);
This example shows how to create an empty library item that stores an ISO image file.
This example uses the steps that are described in the Create an Empty Library Item procedure.
For related code samples, see the
VMware repository at GitHub.
... # 1 - Create an instance of the ItemModel class and specify the item settings. item_model = library_client.ItemModel() = ’ESXi ISO image’ item_model.description = ’ISO image with the latest security patches for ESXi’ item_model.type = ’iso’ # 2 - Associate the new item with an existing library. item_model.library_id = my_library_id # 3 - Create the new instance of the Item class, using the specified model. idem_token = str(uuid.uuid4()) item_stub = library_client.Item(my_stub_config) item_id = item_stub.create(create_spec=item_model, client_token=idem_token)