Python Example of Retrieving a
vCenter Server
ID by Using the Lookup Service

This example provides a common pattern for filtering Lookup Service registration data. This example is based on the code in the
sample file.
This example uses the steps that are described in the Retrieve a vCenter Server ID by Using the Lookup Service procedure.
For a complete and up-to-date version of the sample code, see the
VMware repository at GitHub.
def get_mgmt_node_id(node_instance_name) : # 1 - List the vCenter Server instances. mgmt_node_infos = lookup_service_infos(prod='com.vmware.cis', svc_type='vcenterserver', proto='vmomi', ep_type='com.vmware.vim', node_id='*') # 2 - Find the matching node name and save the ID. for node in mgmt_node_infos : for attribute in node.serviceAttributes : if attribute.key == 'com.vmware.vim.vcenter.instanceName' : if attribute.value == node_instance_name : return node.nodeId