Java Example of Retrieving a
vSphere Automation
Endpoint on a
vCenter Server

This example is based on the in the
sample file.
This example uses the steps that are described in the Retrieve a vSphere Automation API Endpoint on a vCenter Server Instance procedure.
For a complete and up-to-date version of the Java sample code, see the
VMware repository at GitHub.
... //1 - Determine management node ID. String targetNodeId = getMgmtNodeId(targetNodeFqdn); //2 - List filtered registration info. List<LookupServiceRegistrationInfo> results = lookupSingleServiceUrl(“com.vmware.cis”, “cs.vapi”, “vapi.json.https.public”, “com.vmware.vapi.endpoint”, targetNodeId); //3 - Extract endpoint URL from registration info. LookupServiceRegistrationInfo registrationInfo = results.get(0); LookupServiceRegistrationEndpoint serviceEndpoint = registrationInfo.getServiceEndpoints().get(0); String ssoUrl = serviceEndpoint.getUrl(); ...