Creating Virtual Machines
You can use the
APIs to create virtual machines depending
on your needs and infrastructure setup.You can create a basic virtual machine and
then configure it according to your needs. You can also create a more comprehensive
virtual machine and then edit its settings. To create a virtual machine, you must
specify the datastore, resource pool, folder, or host where the virtual machine is
placed. Later, you can customize the virtual machine by specifying the boot options,
number of CPUs, the guest OS, and virtual NIC. See Creating a Virtual Machine Without a Clone or Template and Configuring Virtual Machines.
You can use a turned off virtual machine to create a VM template from which to deploy
other virtual machines. See Create a VM Template in a Content Library from a Virtual Machine. You can also mark a virtual
machine as template by calling the
from the vSphere Web Services APIs. See vSphere Web Services SDK Programming
.You can capture a virtual machine or a vApp
in an OVF template and store the template in a content library. Then you can use the OVF
template to deploy a virtual machine or a vApp in your environment. See Creating Virtual Machines and vApps from Templates in a Content Library.