Resolving a Custom
Target Object
A custom target
object for a query is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI)
string, which is a unique identifier for a specific custom object type. In your
Data Provider Adapter, you must resolve the URI for a query target object to
the correct custom object type.
Implementing a
Resource Type Resolver
A best practice is to use a
Resource Type Resolver to resolve a URI to the correct custom object type. To
use a Resource Type Resolver, you must create a Java class that implements the
The class you create to
must support the following methods.
- String getResourceType(URI uri)- ThegetResourceType()method must parse a URI and return a String containing the type of custom object to which the URI pertains. For example, for a URI that referred to a customChassisobject, thegetResourceType()method must return the Stringsamples:Chassis.
- String getServerGuid(URI uri)- ThegetServerGuid()method must parse a URI and return a String containing the server global unique identifier for the URI target object. For example, for the URI stringurn:cr:samples:Chassis:server1/ch-2, thegetServerGuid()method must return the stringserver1.
Registering a Resource
Type Resolver
To use your Resource Type
Resolver, you must register the resolver with the Data Service. You typically
register the Resource Type Resolver in your Data Provider Adapter class
constructor by using the Resource Type Resolver Registry service, an OSGi
service included within the service layer of the
vSphere Web Client
vSphere Client
You must use the Spring framework to pass the Resource Type Resolver Registry
OSGi service as an argument to your class constructor method. See
Passing Arguments to Your Class Constructor.
Data Provider Adapter Example
shows an example of how to register a Resource Type Resolver.