Creating Data View
When you create
data view extensions for the
vSphere Client
user interface layer, follow these general recommendations:
- You do not need to change the Data Adapter services running in the service layer.
- You can use the genericDataAccessControllerJava class provided with each generated plug-in project to handle HTTP JSONGETdata requests.
- You must access data through thevSphere Clientserver and avoid calling directly your back end services or database.
Common Data Access
You can use the pattern
demonstrated in the
in the
SDK to access data from the
vCenter Server
system from your plug-ins:
- The AjaxGETrequest created in your JavaScript code has the following format:
, where/plugin_context_path/rest/data/properties/objectId?properties=properties-listobjectIdis the object ID of the currently selected vSphere object, andproperties-listis the comma-separated list of properties that must be retrieved for that object. - Theweb.xmldeployment descriptor located in theWEB-INFfolder of the UI bundle of your plug-in contains the<servlet-mapping>element that defines the/rest/*URL pattern for invoking thespringServletservlet.<servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>springServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/rest/*</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
- Thebundle-context.xmlfile located in theWEB-INF\springfolder declares thedataAccessControllerbean for theDataAccessControllerclass that is available in the Java service bundle of your plug-in.<bean name="dataAccessController" class="com.vmware.samples.vspherewssdk.mvc.DataAccessController" />
- TheDataAccessControllerclass included in the Java service bundle of your plug-in has the@RequestMappingannotation set to process the HTTP JSONGETfor the/dataendpoint. ThegetProperties()generic method has the@RequestMappingannotation set to the/properties/{objectId}value to handle the AjaxGETrequests created in your JavaScript code.... @Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/data", method = RequestMethod.GET) public class DataAccessController { ... @RequestMapping(value = "/properties/{objectId}") @ResponseBody public Map<String, Object> getProperties( @PathVariable("objectId") String encodedObjectId, @RequestParam(value = "properties", required = true) String properties) ...
- ThegetProperties()generic method uses theQueryUtilclass to create a Data Service query for the requested list of vSphere object properties. The query results are returned to the Web browser as JSON data.... Object ref = getDecodedReference(encodedObjectId); String objectId = _objectReferenceService.getUid(ref); String[] props = properties.split(","); PropertyValue[] pvs = QueryUtil.getProperties(_dataService, ref, props); Map<String, Object> propsMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); propsMap.put(OBJECT_ID, objectId); for (PropertyValue pv : pvs) { propsMap.put(pv.propertyName, pv.value); } return propsMap; }
- The JavaScript code can display the data returned by the AjaxGETrequest as needed.