Handling Locales

The default locale is the locale that is set by the Web browser of the user, or the English (United States) locale if the
vSphere Client
does not support the set locale.
In the
vSphere Client
locales are usually handled on the user interface layer. In some cases, the HTML plug-in must return text from the Java service layer such as the properties of a vSphere object adm error messages.

Handling Resources in the
Manifest File

The localized resources for your plug-in are located in the
directory of the WAR file. The
manifest file contains the
element that you must use to specify the location of plug-in resources such as images and localization data. The
attribute of the
element specifies the name of the main
file of the plug-in and is added automatically by the Ant build scripts.
To instruct the
vSphere Client
to use the locale that your Web browser specifies at runtime, set
as a value to the
attribute of the
element in the
manifest file. You must avoid hard-coding a specific locale as a value to the
manifest file contains the names of views, dialogs, action menus, icons, and other localizable objects. These strings and icons must be localized and not hard-coded in a particular language. If the string or icon is defined in the main properties file specified with the
attribute, you must use the
syntax for the element and attribute values. If the string or icon is defined in a different
file, use the
syntax for the element and attribute values.
Localizing Strings and Icons in the
Manifest File
The following code snippet demonstrates how you can specify the values for strings and icons that must be localized in the
vSphere Client
depending on the settings of the Web browser. The main properties file of the plug-in is
which is reflected with the value of the
<plugin id="com.vmware.samples.chassisa" defaultBundle="com_vmware_samples_chassisa"> <resources> <resource locale="{locale}"> <module uri="locales/chassisa-{locale}.swf"/> </resource> </resources> ... <templateInstance id="com.vmware.samples.lists.allChassis"> <templateId>vsphere.core.inventorylist.objectCollectionTemplate</templateId> <variable name="namespace" value="com.vmware.samples.chassisa_collection"/> <variable name="title" value="#{chassisLabel}"/> <variable name="icon" value="#{chassis}"/> ...
The English locales for the
string and the
icon are defined in the
file in the following way:
# ------- String properties -------- chassisLabel = ChassisA summary.title = Chassis main info ... # ------------- Images ------------- chassis = Embed("../../assets/images/chassis.png") localizedImage.url = assets/images/localizedImage-en_US.png ...

Handling Resources in the HTML and JavaScript Code

You can retrieve the current client locale by using the app.getClientLocale() method from the JavaScript API. You can use the locale information to localize your plug-in UI with a framework of your choice. For an example of localizing a plug-in UI, see the HTML sample plug-in included with the SDK.

Handling Resources at the Service Layer

In some cases your plug-in might return strings from the service layer that must be displayed in the
vSphere Client
. For example, the service layer can return the properties of a vSphere object that must be displayed in a human-readable format, or an error message that comes from the back end. You must retrieve the current locale of the user and return the translated text for that locale in your Java code.
In case of error messages, your back end server might have the messages localized. In other cases, you can use the standard Java localization APIs and add
files inside your JAR files. These properties files are used to load the correct strings based on the locale.
Following is an example of how to use the
class to access the locale of the current client session.
// see the vsphere-wssdk-service sample for injecting _userSessionService in your class UserSession userSession = _userSessionService.getUserSession(); String locale = userSession.locale; ...