Global Extension Points

Global extension points allow you to extend the home screen, to add a global view to the main workspace, or to control application-wide settings.
Adds a global UI view to the main area that is not related to vSphere objects.
Requires a data object of type
with available properties:
  • name
    - user-visible name of the global view.
  • contentSpec
    • url
      - relative URL to the HTML page that loads the view content.
    • metadata
      • key
        - "hasTitle"
      • value
        - "false" opens an empty iframe, without a title.
Accessibility: can be a target of any navigation request.
<extension id="com.vmware.samples.h5.globalview.mainView"> <extendedPoint></extendedPoint> <object> <name>My Global View</name> <contentSpec> <url>/ui/globalview/resources/mainView.html</url> <metadata><entry><key>hasTitle</key><value>false</value></entry></metadata> </contentSpec> </object> </extension>
Adds a home screen shortcut to a global view or other data view.
Requires a data object of type
with available properties:
  • name
    - user-visible name of the shortcut.
  • icon
    - (optional) resource ID of 32x32 shortcut icon.
  • categoryUid
    - ID of the category this shortcut will be displayed in. Supported values are
  • targetViewUid
    - identifier of the extension to navigate to when the shortcut is clicked.
Accessibility on vSphere Client: Shortcuts.
<extension id="com.vmware.samples.h5.globalview.shortcut"> <extendedPoint>vise.home.shortcuts</extendedPoint> <object> <name>My Shortcut</name> <icon>#{appIcon}</icon> <categoryUid>vsphere.core.controlcenter.monitoringCategory</categoryUid> <targetViewUid>com.vmware.samples.h5.globalview.mainView</targetViewUid> </object> </extension>
Declares UI information that is associated with a custom object type.
Requires a data object of type
with available properties:
  • types
    - list of type names applicable to the same type info.
  • icon
    - resource ID of a 18x18 icon associated with this object type.
  • label
    - localized type name.
  • labelPlural
    - plural of the localized type name.
  • listViewId
    - (optional) ID of the list view extension used to display multiple objects of this object type. If missing or null, the default ${namespace}.list is used.
Accessibility: Not directly displayed, just declares the new object type.
<extension id="com.vmware.samples.chassisa.objectType"> <extendedPoint>vsphere.core.objectTypes</extendedPoint> <object> <types> <String>samples:ChassisA</String> </types> <label>Chassis</label> <labelPlural>ChassisA's</labelPlural> <icon>#{chassis.icon}</icon> </object> </extension>