Object Navigator Extension Points
Last Updated December 16, 2024

You can extend the object navigator by creating new nodes and categories on each page. You can customize also any object collection node that you create by adding a new icon and label.
Adds an object collection node, category, or pointer node extension to the object navigator.
Requires a data object of type
with available properties:
  • title
    - user-visible node title.
  • icon
    - (optional) 18x18 node icon resource ID.
  • navigationTargetUid
    - (optional) ID of the view extension to navigate to when the node is selected.
  • viewOpenedUponFocus
    - (optional) open a new empty object navigator for this view.
  • parentUid
    - ID of the parent extension this node will be displayed in. This can be another
    extension ID defined by your plug-in or it can be
    . Accessibility: Object Navigator root.
<extension id="com.vmware.samples.entryPoint">
      <title>ChassisA Category</title>
Defines one or more new icon and label sets for an object collection node in the object navigator, along with the conditions under which the icon and label sets appear.
Requires a data object of type
with available properties:
  • objectType
    - type of objects to which the specs apply.
  • specCollection
    - array of IconLabelSpec objects, each of which contains:
    • iconId
      - (optional) 18x18 icon resource ID.
    • labelId
      - (optional) label or its resource ID.
    • conditionalProperties
      - (optional) array of property names. The icon and label are applicable only if the values of all properties evaluate to "true". Note: To test for "false" use the negation operator "!" in front of the property name.
    • conditions
      - (optional) array of PropertyConstraint-s. The icon and label are applicable only if all constraints are satisfied.
Accessibility: Object Navigator → Global Inventory Lists.
<extension id="com.vmware.samples.chassisa.iconLabelSpecCollection">