Build and Deploy the vSphere HTML SDK Sample Plug-in

vSphere Client
SDK contains a sample plug-in that demonstrates the use of several extension points. Use this procedure after you modify the sample.
Before you modify the sample, see vSphere Client SDK Setup for instructions to install and configure all required components. In particular, you need the following tools installed:
  • nodejs
    , versions 6.9.x to 11.15.x, inclusive
  • npm
  • Angular-CLI
For the vSphere 8.0 release, local plug-ins must be upgraded as follows:
Also you must set the following environment variables:
  • Set the environment variable
    to your Apache Ant folder.
  • Set the environment variable
    to your vSphere Client SDK folder.
After you modify the sample plug-in, you must re-build and re-deploy it. To build the html-sample, do the following steps from the command line.
  1. In a command shell, change to the
    cd samples/html-sample-ui
  2. Build the modified sample.
    On a MacOS system, run
    On a Windows system, run
    The build output is in
  3. Copy the output folders to the plugin-packages directory, confirming that you want to replace existing files.
    cp -r samples/html-sample-ui/target vsphere-ui/plugin-packages
    directory is where local plug-ins are picked up automatically when the server starts.