Remote Plug-in Deployment Example with Simultaneous Users
After being detected, a remote plug-in will be scheduled for deployment in the vSphere Client. The deployment of a remote plug-in, on a high level, consists of the following stages:
- vCenter Server downloads the remote plug-in manifest.
- vCenter Server parses the plug-in manifest.
- vCenter Server configures the VMware reverse HTTP proxy to route plug-in UI traffic.
After these stages complete successfully, the vSphere Client UI displays a notification message that the remote plug-in is installed.
This example shows in more detail how the deployment process works, in a situation involving three users simultaneously accessing the data center. The initial state consists of the following:
- Three vCenter Server instances in an ELM environment: vCENTER-0, vCENTER-1, and vCENTER-2.
- Three users are accessing the data center: Alpha, Blue, and Claire.
- Blue and Claire are already browsing the vSphere UI loaded fromvCENTER-0
- Blue is looking at the summary page ofVM-1managed byvCENTER-1.
- Claire is looking at the summary page ofVM-2managed byvCENTER-2.
- Alpha is about to install a plug-in from Example Company:

- Alpha installs and configures the back-end server for theExampleCoplug-in:
- Alpha registers theExampleCoplug-in with thevCENTER-1ExtensionManager by using Example Company's plug-in installer:
- The plug-in registration triggers notifications to all linked vCenter Server instances:
- Thevsphere-uiservice in each vCenter Server instance downloads the plug-in manifest JSON of theExampleCoplug-in from the plug-in manifest URL in the extension registration record:
- The vsphere-ui service invCENTER-0sends notifications to currently logged in vSphere Client users (Blue and Claire). Each user sees a blue notification banner at the top of the screen:
- When Blue refreshes the vSphere Client UI in the browser, theExampleCoplug-in is loaded for this user. The plug-in adds a card that extends the summary page of VMs. BecauseVM-1is managed byvCENTER-1, which has theExampleCoplug-in registered, Blue sees the newly added card:
- When Claire refreshes the vSphere Client UI in the browser, theExampleCoplug-in can now be loaded for this user. However, Claire is looking atVM-2, which is managed byvCENTER-2. BecausevCENTER-2does not have theExampleCoplug-in registered, Claire does not see the newly added card.If Claire later navigates to a VM onvCENTER-1, the vSphere Client will display the card added by theExampleCoplug-in.
- Alpha logs in to the vSphere UI connected toVCENTER-0:
- Alpha has completed the login and has loaded the vSphere Client UI, which displays the home screen of the vSphere Client.VCENTER-0deployed theExampleCoplug-in prior to the login, so Alpha sees the new home page menu item and the shortcut link immediately: